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Ganesha Park

Ganesha park was assigned a NOAL rating of 2 per the assessments conducted [Table 1].  Ganesha, although the largest park in Pomona based off acreage, of all sports facilities observed has two half-court basketball courts, two tennis courts, and a swimming pool. There were 17 surveys conducted at this park, however the population here primarily consisted of transients.  The park users hovered around the playground area of the park that was right next to the basketball courts as well as close proximity of the tennis courts and swimming pool.  The primary reason for park visitation was relaxation/meditation which was indicative of the lack of the sports facilities.  The presence of the transients in the open green space surrounding the park also reflected on the concentrated population adjacent to the sports facilities/playgrounds.  When surveyors were asked about the park, the overall perturb was the increase of transients in the park as the day progressed and it got darker out. 

Phillips Ranch

Phillips Ranch was assigned a NOAL rating of 1 per the assessments conducted [Table 2].  Phillips Ranch is located near a school and a somewhat secluded residential area in the more affluent area of Pomona.  Of the seven parks surveyed, Phillips Ranch was ranked third in terms of acreage.  As for sports facilities, based on the overall rating it is suggestive that this park did not have adequate sports facilities, however the ample open green space offered a more than satisfactory soccer field.  The park was visited plentiful times and was usually vacant unless soccer organizations were conducting practices for the youth.  There were 12 surveys conducted over the visits and the popular reason for visitation was for sports.  Many of the surveyors were observing soccer practice and although the homelessness presence wasn’t as prevalent as in other parks it was still a concern to parents that were there watching their children practice.

Washington Park

Washington Park was assigned a NOAL rating of 3 per the assessments conducted [Table 5].  Washington Park ranked second to Ganesha in acreage and was by far the most populated park of all seven researched.  This park had the most abundant sports facilities which mirrored in the park usage during all times the park was visited.  Washington Park is the only park that had all sports facilities surveyed, there is: four baseball/softball fields, two soccer fields, two full-court basketball courts, two tennis courts, and a swimming pool.  Washington stood at the top of the leader board with 36 surveyors interviewed.  In conjunction with our surveys, the main reason for visitation was for sports. The park users hovered around the sports facilities as they were engaging in or watching games/practices.  During all visits to the park, it was always significantly more utilized by park users than the other six parks surveyed.   Surveyors raved about the facilities and abundance of sports facilities which allowed ample baseball/basketball games to go on simultaneously.  As interviews progressed, again park users expressed their concern for the transient population that was lingering in the shadows or areas that were remote to the sports facilities but only became more concerned as the day advanced. Many of the surveys conducted were to first-time visitors that were observing games, numerous of these interviewees were impressed by the size and diversity of the sports facilities provided at the park.  However, the overlaying concern, especially amongst women interviewed was the abundance of transients soliciting throughout the park as well as the lack of comfort in using the restroom facilities.  Despite these concerns, park users remained faithful to the park due to the notable athletic facilities comparable to other Pomona parks.  

Memorial Park

Memorial Park was assigned a NOAL rating of 2 per the assessments conducted [Table 3].  Located in a less affluent area of Pomona, Memorial Park users main reason for visitation was for relaxation.  There were 11 surveys conducted and of the times the park was visited there were less than a handful of park users each time.  The park had only two half-court basketball courts that were not being utilized during any of the visitation times.  The times visited, the park users usually consisted of adolescents who were participating in illegal activities in the parking lot or hidden behind what seemed like a deserted building.  One of the surveyors, a middle-aged woman who was there with her three toddlers, was very intrigued with the research we were conducting and expressed that she grew up down the block from this park and was sad to see how over the years it has been abandoned by Pomona’s residents due to a spike in violence in this park from what she inferred was due to the increase in transient population.  She also was not a fan of the newly acquired adolescent population that used to the park as a means of ditching school or hiding out.  Memorial Park shows the lack of park attractiveness through park-users due to an absence of adequate sports facilities.


Powers Park

Powers Park was assigned a NOAL rating of 1 per the assessments conducted [Table 4].  Powers was the smallest park in terms of acreage, located in a hidden corner in a residential area.  The entire park was visible at any angle throughout the park and had only two half-court basketball courts.  The primary reasons for visitations was shown as recreation/play.  Throughout the times visited only one person was observed using the basketball court; the interviewee surveyed was the mother of the adolescent playing basketball.  When questioned as to why she preferred this park over the elaborate facilities in other parks such as Washington, she promptly answered, “There is no homeless people and it is significantly less crowded”.  9 people were surveyed at the park, most of them teenagers hanging out on a bench in the corner of the park.  The lack of sports facilities accounts for the absence of park-users.

Jaycee Park

Jaycee park was assigned a NOAL rating of 2 per the assessments conducted [Table 4].  Jaycee received 8 surveyors throughout the visits.  The main reason for visitation at Jaycee was recreation/play.   The park although not isolated, located in a suburban area, was often empty throughout our research.  With the exception of 1 baseball field that was never observed being used, Jaycee park was a park that typically remained desolate. Lack of sports facilities discourages the public & Pomona’s residents from not frequenting this park. 

Cesar Chavez Park  

Cesar Chavez Park was assigned a NOAL rating of 2 per the assessments conducted [Table 4].  Cesar Chavez was the second smallest park we surveyed and received 5 surveyors throughout visitation times.  Cesar Chavez was the emptiest of all the parks surveyed.  The primary reason for visitation at this park was for relaxation/meditation.  The park has 2 half-court basketball courts that also during visitation hours were never used.  In conjunction with the other lacking sports facility parks, little to no athletic fields discourages the public & Pomona’s residents from not frequenting this park.

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