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655 W. 3rd St. Pomona, CA 91766

Memorial Park is in a more urban setting in the arts district of Pomona near West 2nd St. and South Parcels St. Surrounding the park is an auto body shop, railroad tracks with a rail yard storage lot, a pre-school, and housing. The park has a memorial dedicated to those from Pomona who gave their lives fighting in 20th century wars. The park is around 2 acres in size, but half of that is a parking lot and half of that lot is reserved for residents with a parking permit. Within the par, there is 2 half-court basketball courts, a playground section, and a few park benches and picnic tables. There is a building that is boarded up and all doors are and appears to have no current use. There are no restrooms available to park users and no business in close proximity that could be used as an option. The playground equipment that was there was in good shape and the seating was ample. However, there was no shelter or gazebo of any kind and very little open green space. However, it is of note that this is one of only two parks surveyed that did have a pet dropping bag dispenser available for use. During assessment [Table 3], the park was primarily in use by teenagers who were parked in their cars or skateboarding around the sidewalks. There was no visible use of the playground during observation by the research team.

Memorial Park: Body
Memorial Park: Pro Gallery
Memorial Park: Pro Gallery
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