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Through research conducted and assessments analyzed it was apparent that although the transient population is heavily populating most of the seven parks observed, there was one primary motive that kept people coming back: sports facilities.  “While park settings tend to have a wide range of facilities to encourage physical activity, research has revealed that there are specific types of facilities that promote higher levels of physical activity than others. Park users engage in higher levels of physical activity in parks that have playgrounds, sports facilities and trails” (Cohen 2014).  The overall rating of the parks and their facilities scored fairly well because amenities were maintained and kept to par.  The parks in which there were significantly less observed people, were parks that had a low NOAL rating which accounted for minimal/lack of sports facilities.  Ample surveyors expressed their only reason due to their visitation was because of sports practices and games.  The avid worry about the increasing transient presence in the parks however, did negatively impact the population and usage of the parks.  “Not only do people make the decision to use parks based on the types of facilities available but the condition of the park and the facilities also determines the decision as well. Parks users are more likely to visit a park that is consistently well maintained in which the facilities are safe to use. Perceived safety is how safe one feels in and around parks while objective safety is the actual rate of crime that occurs in and around parks” (Cohen 2014).  With the exception of all parks except for Jaycee Park, through observation it was evident that there was a very present population of homeless that resided in the parks.  Increased transient presence in the parks often leads to a surge in crime rate at the park and its vicinity.  Due to the overwhelming response from our surveyors on this issue, many expressed their apprehension in allowing their children to play/roam the park by themselves.  There were ample occasions where lack of usage on amenities became an open invitation for camping sites or hangout sports for the transients.  “Community members said they didn’t allow their children to go to the park because it was too dangerous”, she says.  It became clear that the first priority would have to be help the neighbors reclaim the park” (Barrette 2001).  In order to increase park-usage, the parks would have to work on the present transient population, this would help park-users feel that the park is welcoming and without having to constantly worry about being solicited by or helicopter their children.  Feeling safe in attendance is imperative for park-users and does in fact have an influence on the frequency of their visits.  As seen in Chart 1, the majority of the demographic in Pomona at a staggering 71%, was listed as Hispanic; following was White at 10.6%, and Asians at 9%.  This followed the overall results of the surveys with the primary number of respondents identifying as Hispanic.  Interestingly enough, studies have shown that the differences in demographics encourages more physical activity use which in turn reflects in the overall use of sports facilities and enhances the number of park users.  “However, Hispanic and Black park users were more frequently observed in vigorous physical
activity, so these groups may have different preferences for facilities than other race/ethnic groups. Another study also suggested different patterns of use and facility preference
across race/ethnic group (Engelberg et al, 2016)”.  During park assessments and observations, the parks that had the most park-users were Washington Park and Phillips Ranch park.  Both parks had soccer fields that were profoundly used during every visit, with Washington Park having baseball fields that were also always busy during visitation hours.  “But we need to ensure that our parks and recreational facilities are clean and safe, so that residents — both young and old — will be comfortable being active in them on a daily basis” (Cohen 2014).  When sports facilities are abundant and the conditions of the park are adequate, park-users are plentiful and are more inclined to use the park more frequently than if not up to standards.  Based on our assessments of the amenities of the seven Pomona parks surveyed, the facilities were of similar conditions but due to the abundance of the transients’ presence in all parks that we went to and the overwhelming response from our surveyors, the issue of park usage does not stem from the quality of structures but is rooted in the homeless population.

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